Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Shh..Don't tell Grandpa!!!

Ok so anyone that knows us, knows that we are so not Dodgers fans but of course my husband is!! Well Daniel bought Caden a Dodgers hat before he was born and it finally fits him. Now I don't like the Dodgers and never will but I am sorry this kid looks to dang cute in his hat!!


The Nelson Clan said...

He is a cutie in that hat!!! I would be going out and buying other baseball hats since they are so cute on him.

Cozart Family said...

I can't believe you posted such garbage!! hehe I think Caden needs an Angels hat!! Red is a better color!

Melissa said...

He does have an Angels hat is it just too big for him still but don't worry when it can fit he will wear it all the time!!